Affichage de 11 résultats

Description archivistique
Collection Nicolas Frémiot, s.j.
0900-3023 · Fonds · 1848-1852

La collection comprend un nombre de documents concernant la vie religieuse de Nicolas Frémiot, s.j., incluant des notes sur les vœux, rédigé en latin au début des années 1840, un cahier de notes des sermons de père Frémiot, un journal intime de « méditations », des notes de retraites spirituelles du début des années 1840 et un cahier de notes d’exercices spirituels. Une série de petits cahiers de notes titrés « Codices 1-6 (avec l’exception de Codex 5) fait partie de la collection. En dernier lieu, la collection contient de la correspondance des années 1840 et 1850, qui témoigne principalement de correspondance entre père Frémiot et des membres de sa famille.

Frémiot, Nicolas
Fonds Henri Béchard, s.j.
GLC BO-593 · Fonds · 1909-1990

Le fonds comprends des documents associés à la vie d’Henri Béchard, s.j. Agissant comme vice-postulateur à sa cause, le fonds d’Henri Béchard contient de la correspondance exhaustive concernant Kateri Tekakwitha. Ces échanges d’une portée internationale illustrent les efforts de père Béchard pour sa cause, à travers des discussions concernant l’érection de sanctuaires et l’achat de publications et divers matériel en son honneur. Ce type de correspondance souligne également la participation de père Béchard à des événements, des articles de journaux et des conférences en l’honneur de Kateri.

De plus, un bon nombre de cartes de prières, signets, dépliants, essais annotés et sermons – rédigés par père Béchard et partagés avec lui – font partie du fonds. Ces documents illustrent une fois de plus son dévouement à Kateri, par ses actions et discours à l’intérieur de la communauté à Kahnawà:ke et au niveau international. Un nombre de plaques et de médailles témoignent de cet engagement de la part de Béchard.

Le fonds démontre l’étendue des recherches de père Béchard concernant l’histoire de la Nouvelle-France, avec un emphase particulier sur Jérôme le Royer de la Dauversière), qui se sont traduites par de nombreux ouvrages. Le fonds contient des notes et des brouillons de ces publications.

Le fonds comprend également des objets qui attestent de sa présence à Kahnawà:ke, incluant une peau d’animal brodé offert à père Béchard par des membres de la communauté, deux albums vinyles comprenant des hymnes du Mixed Iroquois Choir enregistré à la cathédrale de la Mission Saint-François-Xavier.

De plus, de la correspondance, des coupures de journaux, des cartes et cahiers de notes associés aux travaux d’excavation de « quatrième lieu » de Kahnawà:ke se trouve dans le fonds. Des données provenant d’archéologues, et collèges religieux illustrent un éventail d’opinions et de réflexions concernant l’initiative.

En dernier lieu, des photographies, incluant des albums photos et des négatifs, offre de la documentation sur l’évolution de la vie de père Béchard et de sa carrière dans la Compagnie de jésus, allant de ses débuts avec des collègues du Séminaire Saint-Charles-Borromée, des voyages en famille et sa présence à des événements et célébrations à Kahnawà:ke.

Béchard, Henri
Fonds Joseph Hanipaux, s.j.
CDA BO-268 · Fonds · 1853-1871

Le fonds comprend de la correspondance de père Hanipaux lors de sa présence sur l’Île Manitoulin. Il inclut également un carnet d’hymnes et de prières en Ojibwe.

Hanipaux, Joseph
Fonds Mission Saint-François-Xavier
GLC M-8 · Fonds · 1735-2002

Le fonds documente les activités de la Mission Saint-François-Xavier à Kahnawà:ke, ainsi que les relations entre les missionnaires catholiques et personnes Kanien’kehá:ka dans les communautés situées près du Fleuve Saint-Laurent. Les prêtres à Kahnawà:ke ont produit, regroupés et conservés les documents faisant partie du fonds. Le matériel inclut de la correspondance personnelle et professionnelle, des livres, manuscrits, documents financiers et légaux, du matériel de recherche et éducatif sur les Kanien’kehá:ka et autres communautés autochtones. Le matériel compris dans le fond documente et ont été produits en association avec les activités de l’église de la Mission Saint-François-Xavier et sa communauté. Des documents qui concernent Kateri Tekakwitha et des moments importants de la mission, comme la béatification de Kateri Tekakwitha et les célébrations du centenaire de l’église font partie du fonds.

Le fonds inclut des photographies de missionnaires catholiques dans la communité et dans des réunions provinciales. Il contient également des photographies de la communauté de Kahnawà:ke et autres photographies de visiteurs.euses, des images d’églises et de reliques religieuses et iconographiques. Des portraits, des représentations visuelles de la culture de différentes Premières nations et du matériel concernant Kateri Tekakwitha et l’église de la mission sont également incluent dans le fonds.

Des enregistrements sonores font partie du fonds, incluant des disques vinyles du Iroquois Mixed Choir. Du matériel cartographique représente Sault-Saint-Louis et ses environs. Des publications incluent des livres rédigés par des prêtres jésuites qui concernent Kateri Tekakwitha, des dictionnaires et autres matériel de langues autochtones, des livres de catéchisme et de musique et des publications concernant l’histoire de la région.

Mission Saint-François-Xavier
Fonds Prosper Lamarche, s.j.
0900-3024 · Fonds · 1897-1917

Le fonds offre de l’information sur les activités de Prosper Lamarche, principalement reliées aux missions jésuites avec les populations autochtones. Il comprend de la correspondance entre père Lamarche et le Superintendant général des affaires indiennes, et d’autres correspondances, principalement reliée à son séjour à Fort William. Le fonds contient également six portraits de père Lamarche.

Lamarche, Prosper
Spanish Residential School Fonds
CDA D-3 · Fonds · 1863-1985

The Spanish Residential School fonds contains records that pertain to the establishment, administration, operations, and eventual closing of the Spanish Residential School. It also contains records that pertain to the day school in Wiikwemkoong, which preceded the Spanish school. The schools were administered by the Jesuit fathers of the Upper Canada Province, initially named Independent Mission of Canada (1887-1907), Province of Canada (1907-1924), then Vice-Province of Upper Canada (1924-1939).

The fonds is organized into five series: Administration and Financial Records; Student Affairs and Community Life; Spanish Residential School Buildings; Jesuit Personnel and School Staff; Spanish Residential School Photography Laboratory. It contains correspondence, diaries, newspaper clippings, financial statements, student registers, and student publications. The fonds also contains photographs associated with the schools’ cultural and sports programs, including hockey and football, photographs of the schools’ buildings and Jesuit personnel, and photographs of the Spanish community. Notably, the fonds also contains photographs produced by the students themselves in the school’s photo laboratory, established by Fr. William P. Maurice, S.J.

Spanish Residential School
Julien Paquin, S.J. Fonds
0700-3020 · Fonds · 1896-[1935]

The fonds documents the activities of Julien Paquin, S.J. It contains information on the presence of Father Paquin within different missions in Northern Ontario and concerning his involvement in the First World War. It also includes his correspondence. The fonds is comprised of five series: correspondence, military service, missions, spiritual notes and reflections and Collège Saint-Boniface. The documents part of the fonds range from 1896 to [1935].

Paquin, Julien
Fonds Mission Saint-Régis
GLC M-1 · Fonds · 1806-1984

The fonds documents the activities of the St. Regis Mission in Ahkwesáhsne, and the relations and encounters of Jesuit priests with Kanien’kehá:ka people in the region. It contains records created, collected, and accumulated by the Jesuits in Ahkwesáhsne. The records include correspondence, books and manuscripts, pamphlets and booklets, dictionaries and lexicons, financial documents, newspaper clippings, and bulletins and records on the St. Regis church and community life. It includes photographs of Jesuit priests involved in the community and photographs of the St. Regis church. The fonds also includes Kanien’kehá:ka family photographs. The records range from 1806 to 1984.

The fonds is organized into the following six series:

Grammars, dictionaries, and lexicons
St. Regis Mission church and community life
Church’s sermons, prayers, and catechisms
Kateri Tekakwitha
Correspondence, manuscripts, and journals
Financial and administrative records

Mission Saint-Régis
Michael Karhaienton Jacobs, S.J. Fonds
0900-3022 · Fonds · 1902-1988

The fonds contains records relating to the religious life of Michael Karhaienton Jacobs, S.J., and demonstrate the pertinence of his Kanien’kehá:ka heritage. As the first Kanien’kehá:ka Jesuit, Father Jacobs’ fonds contains a number of records relating to events, speeches, and celebrations that highlight his unique position. His ground-breaking 1934 ordination at the Saint-François-Xavier Mission is illustrated through many photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondences. Similarly, his widely celebrated 50th Jubilee is marked by a number of newspaper clippings, press releases, invitations, and photographs.

His interest in research and education is demonstrated through a series of research notes, essays and talks pertaining to the roots of the Kanien’kéha language, the history of the Onondaga Nation, and the story of Kateri Tekakwitha; records pertaining to the local high school including class lists and educational catalogues can also be found in the fonds.

A number of drafts, correspondences, and newspaper clippings document the process by which Father Jacobs worked to research, design, install, and commemorate a “liberty bell” at St. Regis. The erection of a number of other statues and plaques are the subject of many of the records in the fonds including newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondences. Father Jacobs’ involvement in the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, New York, is represented in the fonds through correspondence, photographs, and leaflets; his membership in a number of societies, including Knights of Columbus, is demonstrated through group photos, receipts, and event invitations and bulletins. Additionally, personal documents, including extensive documentation around his ironworker brother, Thomas Jacobs, and family correspondence pertaining to personal and estate matters can also be found in the fonds.

Finally, several objects in the fonds mark Jacobs’ role in his community: gold model lacrosse sticks illustrate his attempt to revive sports in St. Regis; a series of multicoloured feathers refer back to his Kanien’kehá:ka identity, and a number of crucifixes speak to his religious dedication.

Jacobs, Michael Karhaienton
Arthur E. Jones, S.J. Fonds
GLC BO-35 · Fonds · [1853?]-1918

The Arthur E. Jones, S.J. fonds reflects Father Jones personal life and his roles as historian, researcher, editor, and writer during his tenure as archivist at the Archives du Collège Sainte-Marie in Montreal from 1882 to 1918. The fund, dating from 1853 to 1918, consists largely of textual documents, including correspondence, postcards, memorabilia, clippings, bound writings, diplomas, publications, and other related printed material. Arthur E. Jones’s personal records encompass his religious education during his novitiate in Angers, France, including his personal passport, devotion vows, and letters to his mother Lucy Catherine Macdonell. They also include records such as his priesthood ordination certificate, travel permits provided by members of the Jesuits, and letters attesting to his affiliation with various associations. The fonds also contains biographical notes on Arthur E. Jones’s obituary written by F. Melançon, funeral arrangements for him at the Gesù Church in 1918 and letters pertaining to genealogical research on his family.

In addition, the fonds documents Father Jones’s active involvement in supplying documentation and publications on the Jesuits Estates Act, as well as debates between 1888 and 1889. Correspondence to Father Jones from Reuben Gold Thwaites and the Burrows publishers confirm his contribution to the publication of the Jesuits Relations and Allied Documents. Other records within the fonds relate to Father Jones’s inquiries, transcriptions, documentation and publications about the history of the Jesuits in New France and during the suppression of the Society of Jesus. The fonds also includes ephemera and certificates related to the Jesuit exhibit prepared by Arthur E. Jones for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis in 1904. Finally, the fonds comprises documents such as letters, copies, fieldwork journals, notes and other records reflecting his studies on the Jesuit missions among the Huron-Wendat nation, as well as the sites of the Jesuit martyrs which served for his publication in the 1902 Annual Archaeological Report. The fonds also contains material related to the research, publication, and reception of his work, “8endake Ehen or Old Huronia” in 1908-1909. An unpublished manuscript written by Arthur E. Jones, S.J. on the Wyandots is also included.

Various materials scattered throughout Arthur E. Jones’s fonds include photographs, blueprints, maps, technical and artistic drawings, sketches, and Father Jones’s personal objects, along with four printing plates. Photographs depict Arthur E. Jones’s portraits taken at different moments in his life, including those of his LLD graduation ceremony at the University of Toronto in 1913. Other photos are related to Arthur E. Jones’s family portraits, landscapes sites, as well as one photo of Father Jones’s life as a professor at St. Francis Xavier College in New York, between 1874 and 1875. Arthur E. Jones’s drawings showcase his artistic skills developed during his lifetime.

Jones, Arthur E.